Error when manipulating DOM with javascript

I have this view I want to add a link after the label’s checkbox, in order to do that I’m using HTMLSnippet that just moves the link after the checkbox labels.   Everything works fine BUT when I close the page, I have this error:   I read it might have something to do with react components and how they are built, I have tried to put the checkbox and link inside a container div so they have same parent but eventually I will move link inside some checkbox div. Any idea how to solve this? edit: here’s the javascript..
3 answers


Is there a good reason for you to use Javascript/ReactJS instead of Layout Grid / Divs with Float / Table / or just Regular SASS/CSS ?
Cause you can have your results in seconds that way and you won't need custom code to hack the item into place.

For example: 


This is 6-6 grid without styling and responsive view.



and this the same but in mobile view:



I understand what you're saying, however knowing some bootstrap or CSS will help you in the future. 
To solve your issue the styling way. 

Apply to your checkbox: display: inline-block; (style) and apply to your link style: margin-left: 15px;
This should be your result. 

For some Bootstrap knowledge, if you know how bootstrap and layout grids work you can easily make a responsive website. Just make sure you know how bootstrap classes work. The default Mendix is col-md-$ 

But you could use more: col-md-$ / col-xs-$ / col-sm-$ / col-lg-$ 

You could for example give a col-md-6 (which is half your page on regular size desktop) a col-xs-6. 
The moment you resize to “Phone” size. The column will be displayed at half the Phone size as well. 
Instead of jumping down the other col-md-6 and appear below your other items.
Read about it here:
