Ignoring error for page

I’m building an mobile app in Mendix 7.22.2. First I had on a page 2 listviews, I got this message in my console: Ignoring error for page MyFirstModule/Home.page.xml: Loading of a page has been superseded by request for MyFirstModule/Home.page.xml. The listview had a data source type of the database. Then I got one listview showed and the other got hide somehow. Then I changed the listviews in the data source types to microflow. Now I can see both, but I still got the message in my console. The listview is standing on the page LaatsteNieuws. What does it mean?   Ignoring error for page MyFirstModule/Home.page.xml: Loading of a page has been superseded by request for MyFirstModule/Home.page.xml Ignoring error for page MyFirstModule/LaatsteNieuws.page.xml: Loading of a page has been superseded by request for MyFirstModule/Home.page.xml
1 answers

Is there maybe a close page action in the datasource microflow? The DS microflow is initiated every time the page is reloaded so it might close itsself if it does.

We see this error pop up in our project from time to time when we have an unintended interaction between microflows which contain both a show and close page action.
