LDAP and user account management

hello Mendix provides User management features like change my password, Account New, Account Edit etc. If I configure LDAP authentication, would the above functionality work automatically?  Like the password would change in the LDAP server thank you for your help 
3 answers

Hi Ammar,

  Those functions, contained in the Administration module in a new Mendix project, do NOT impact your LDAP server. Those features only apply to the Accounts that Mendix maintains. You will need to manage your LDAP passwords in whatever system you use for that today.


thank you Rob



i am thinking of self-service application that normal citizen shall use.  Need to allow for Forget My password, and Change password features. The pages to allow for that need to be from Mendix. Does Mendix provide Ldap API we can use from microflows, or we need to resort to Java Actions?



Hi Ammar,

  Mendix does have a number of ways to make calls to APIs. The most common ones are REST and SOAP and native actions exist in microflows to facilitate this. In this instance, Mendix would simply be sending data along to an API that your LDAP would expose. Mendix can’t ‘provide an LDAP API,’ just a mechanism to POST to an API that your LDAP already has. You can consume APIs without Java in Mendix microflows. Here is an example:


What you would need to build in Mendix are a few pages where users can enter details that are then sent along to the LDAP in a microflow. You could incorporate things like e-mailing a forgot password link, challenge and response questions, etc as part of your page modeling. 
