Error: PRS POST Operation

Hi everyone, I tried to create a POST operation of my PRS. I did everything according to this documentaton: (except for error handling). I also downloaded the example project to get sure that everything is implemented correctly. Then I tried to execute the POST Operation of the Example fruit project that I found within the documentation. The problem now is, that I am not able to insert ANYTHING by clicking on “Try it out”. I am only able to execute the Operation, which returns an error (of course, I didn’t insert anything). What did I miss in the first place?   SOLUTION: It’s working now! I needed to change the Parameter type from “string” to “object”. Thanks to everyone who replied :)   Edit: Thanks everyone, I just added a Parameter, but still there is no insertion field: This is the Post MF: And this is the Parameter I’ve created:   Edit 2: this is my swagger.json:  {"swagger":"2.0","info":{"title":"fruit-v1","version":"1.0.0"},"host":"localhost:8080","basePath":"/rest/fruit-v1","schemes":["http"],"paths":{"/fruit":{" Edit get":{"tags":["fruit"],"summary":"Get a list of all fruits","description":"This operation returns a list of all **fruits**","responses":{"200":{"description":"successful operation","schema":{"type":"file"}}}},"post":{"tags":["fruit"],"summary":"Post a new fruit","description":"This operation creates a new **fruit**.\r\n\r\nThe expected body is:\r\n\r\n```\r\n{\r\n \"name\": \"banana\",\r\n \"color\": \"yellow\"\r\n}\r\n ```","parameters":[{"name":"FruitParameter","in":"body","type":"string"}],"responses":{"200":{"description":"successful operation","schema":{"type":"file"}}}}},"/fruit/{name}":{"get":{"tags":["fruit"],"summary":"Get a specific fruit by its name","parameters":[{"name":"name","in":"path","required":true,"type":"string"}],"responses":{"200":{"description":"successful operation","schema":{"type":"file"}}}},"delete":{"tags":["fruit"],"summary":"Delete a specific fruit by its name","parameters":[{"name":"name","in":"path","required":true,"type":"string"}],"responses":{"200":{"description":"successful operation","schema":{"type":"file"}}}}}},"definitions":{"Fruit":{"xml":{"name":"Fruit"},"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string"},"color":{"type":"string"}}}},"tags":[{"name":"fruit","description":"# This is an overview of **fruit**"}]}    
2 answers

Please try this



If you can not post your body you probably need to create or change the parameter type in your rest service operation to ‘Body’. After deployment you will see a new field to put your json content.
