In Offline mobile app ,Date functions are not Accessible how can find the difference between two dates

I want to display my date text as red  if the Date is within next fifteen days As date functions are not accessible on offline pages,Is there any other alternatives i can try to achieve this.Please Suggest, Thanks
3 answers

At this moment it is not possible.

You can create a javascript widget for this or in the near future you can call javascript actions from a nanoflow. (


As an alternative you could run a Scheduled event online that calculates every day if the date is within the next fifteen days.

If so set a boolean to true on the offline object. When synced you could use this boolean and mark a text field red.



If you require full offline functionality you have to use some javascript (either as a custom widget or using one of the existing javascript widgets.

Either way you can store your Date minus 15 days in an additional attribute and then compare that to [%curentDateTime%] in conditional visibility expression.

regards, Fabian
