Form input editability not being updated when parameter object is changed

Hi All, I’ve run into the following issue today: I have an entity, called Actions, with various Access Rules. Basically, if the Action has not been started, the Feedback attribute can’t be edited yet. On the Action details page, once the Start button is clicked, the Action is started, and the Feedback should be editable. The problem is, that the page is not properly updating itself. Only after refreshing, or re-entering the details page, will the editability be updated. Other factors, such as conditional visibility, are being updated when I click on the Start button, but editability stays the same.   New Action (that has not been started): Started Action (before reload). You can see that visibility has been updated, but editability has not: Started Action (after reload). After reloading the page, or leaving and entering again, everything is updated: Start Microflow (with commit and refresh):   Has anyone else run into this issue? How can I force the page to re-check whether fields should be editable or not? EDIT: Here you can see that Action is the main object of the page:
2 answers

Is Action the main object of the page? Because if the Action object is inside another dataview for instance you need to refresh the main object of the page to update the Action object.





It seems that this came down to some caching issue. It was reliably reproducible for one day, but after a restart, I couldn’t reproduce this the next day.
