Internet Explorer - No constructor found for widget [xxxx]

We are having an internet explorer only issue (IE11) which is causing widgets not to render. The error message is: No constructor found for widget LoginForm.widget.LoginForm. This is just an example, it seems like many widgets are not rendering in IE which work fine in Chrome.   I have tried upgrading our application from 7.13 to 7.16 and also to the latest version, 7.23. However, the widgets still do not render in IE11, but have no issues in Chrome. I’ve looked around at other options on similar questions posted to the forum, but have not been able to find a solution. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem/been able to resolve? 
4 answers

Hoi Jonathan,

Please note that the Login form widget is outdated and no longer needed in the newer version of the platform. You can now model you login page with standard mendix components.

Cheers, Andries



Hi Johnathan,

Have you upgraded your widgets and cleared your cache memory?




We had a similar issue that was resolved by using the newer login componentry provisioned in mbm. Again...just write something that interrogates the headers from the browser, make a regex comparitor, and present the user with a screen that tells them to download a proper browser, that actually fixes that problem, believe me


Did you perhaps install or upgrade the pushnotifications module to the most recent version ?

I had the same issues in IE 11 after doing so and they are caused by typo’s in the pushnotification widget.

See my review of the pushnotifications connector in the appstore.

You can only reproduce the errors locally when you check “Bundle Widgets When Running Locally” in the modeler .
