How to forward an ADFS authenticated user from Mx app to a SQL Server Reporting Services without a 2nd log in?

Hi guys - we have a mendix app running within the VPN  - we authenticate and authorize based on LDAP within the Mendix app  with ADFS (same ADFS is used by SSRS) - users can press on a link in the mendix app, which then be forwarded to  a login screen before proceeding to the reporting service dashboard. Now we want to eliminate the 2nd login page, so that the users can be forwarded (authenticated and authorized) directly to the SQL reporting dashboard. SSRS accepts requests NTLM authentication, I was wondering how to forward the user as authenticated and authorized way from the Mx app running on 6.6? EDIT1: User is not logged on a domain machine  
1 answers

You might consider using SAML as your SSO provider for both. Mendix offers a platform-supported SAML module in the app store that works very well with ADFS. It seems that SSRS can also be configured for SAML:

Once configured, you’ll only need to log in once and your SSO session should be enough to grant you access to both the Mendix app and SSRS.
