Appronto Validator

My Requirement is, i have a field( for Example:Password) on which i am using Encryption Widget. For the same field, i need to do Empty validation Check  as well and for this i am using Appronto widget for showing validation message. But somehow, i am getting a popup validation instead Message under the field. I have tried by giving association in the attribute to validate(it is not required but tried). My domain model would be Account which has association with college and college has association with Student. I am doing a validation for a text field(Password) which is in Student entity. I have this Appronto Validator in MF with input parameter Student, even after setting correctly it is throwing the popup validation. My caller of the page is Account and through association, i have added the encryption widget for Password Field. Please let me know where i am doing mistake.  
3 answers

Hi Ravindra,

You don’t necessarily need to use the validation widget: you can just model this in your microflow, see this documentation for some best practices.


Hi Ravindra,

Thanks for using the Appronto Validator!

A popup message is usually a sign that the validated field is not displayed in your client or the validation is added to the incorrect object and/or attribute. It seems that you are passing in all the right objects (Student and attribute Password if I’m not mistaken.)


I’ve recreated your scenario with associations etc., based on your question and I am not getting the same result; just the correct feedback message under the password field how it suppose to be working.

Can you clarify which Encryption Widget you are talking about?





Hi Ravindra,

You’re getting the validation popup because the Encryption widget does not register itself as a validation handler for the password attribute. The custom widget boilerplate has an example of how to implement this. See the widget registering itself for validation feedback here.

Side question: what is the Encryption widget doing? Why can’t you just use a normal input set to “password” mode?
