Save Data on the Client, not on the Server

Hello Community, I am really new to Mendix. I wanted to ask if it’s possible to save Data which, I will receive by an API on the Client itself for example on a Mobile Device. At the moment I am playing with mendix via Local Server. For now, when I execute my microflow which does a REST Request, the data which I received will be saved on the Local Server itself and not on a client. I think its maybe possible with a native App but I am not sure…  I hope anybody can help me with this matter.  Regards, Aftab   
3 answers

As a new user I suggest to read through the documentation on the mendix website.

This might be a good starting point to find your answers:


Hello Aftab, 

Microflows get executed on the server so you cannot save data in the client from a microflow (as far as I’m aware, not quite sure about mobile). You can try executing the call in js/jQuery and save the data in the browser local storage or cookies.

Edit: If you’re planning to run with the client execution you I suggest to use the HTMLSnippet widget, as for examples for storage W3Schools are your best sources for examples ( and )

Hope this helps.


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