Bootstrap TreeView widget

Hi, I’m trying to Bootstrap TreeView widget ( but it displays nothing on UI. I’ve made identical setup/configuration as given in the demo project. That project works but mine doesn’t. Does it has to do something with the modeller version.  The project setup on modeler version : 5.21.4 My modeler version : 7.20.1 Please help me with this. Thanks!
2 answers


What is it exactly that doesn’t work? if the widget loads, but is not displaying information, then: how have you populated you treeview? Have you looked at the security settings (is your user allowed to access the entities from the treeview and the microflows)?

Modeler shouldn’t be an issue: we are using it in 7.22.2.



[[ This answer is for sure late to the table, but I’m writing it here for future reference. ]]

I had the exact same problem.

Please be sure to check: all ‘commit’ radios (as in the demo), be sure all relations are correct; for that a WidgetData entity is properly created with a ‘refresh’ value (thas was incorrect in my case); check enum spelling

