Problem during deployment: Are SQL Errors the cause of this?

Hi everybody, I copied an project to a new one, works fine when I run it locally. When I deploy it to the free mendix cloud, I'm not able to deploy the application. Errors occur during deployment. Viewing the log I can see the following errors (besides the error that the database should be updated. “ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "administration$account_pkey" “ Occurs multiple times.  I also see some data  during deployment so could it be that the tables aren't empty during deployment? I've no clue how to tackle an error like this. Funny thing is that this application is a copy of one that IS deployed on a cloud environment and is able to receive updates, so I'm clueless :-) Hope you can help! Cheers and all the best! Laurens
3 answers

Hi Lauens,

please check your changes on the code if you have changed the cardinality from an 1_1 association to an 1_n association. If you have already code on the mendix cloud which is using the 1_n association, this could bring up this error. To solve that problem, you need to migrate the data to the new structure, by using a script for example. 

If you run your database from scratch, the error should not persist.



Thanks for the reply! Funny thing is that I do not have these kind of problems when I deploy it to the Sap Cloud Foundry Environment. I started from scratch at both environments. Strange.


Do you also have the problem on the mendix cloud when you start the appolication from scratch?
