Debug Java from Mendix

I’m trying to configure the remote debugging  as explained in   As for section 4, Configure Remote Debugging, what are the equivalent fields in Eclipse?
2 answers

Hello Slima,

To me the article doesn’t seem to cover actual remote debugging, rather java debugging while running locally. The reason I’m saying this is I can’t see any actual server security credentials, and it links back to the project jvm settings and localhost.

It’d be interesting to see if others have done this via eclipse. Unfortunately I haven’t – so I would suggest a different way of debugging in Eclipse see this takes you through the eclipse project setup and debugging through eclipse.

Hope this helps


Thanks Dragos,


Is the options you mentioned will enable only the java debugging? I already did it but what I need is the ability to debug the entire system, both eclipse and Mendix.

Any way to do so?

