Creating master and details records at same time.

I’m new to Mendix and trying to get my head around everything at the moment. We are looking to re-develop our internal business systems to the Mendix platform and I was wondering if you can do the following: Currently a user can create a prize record which contains a number of elements that make up that prize, so I have a prize table and a prize_emenets table. Is it possible for the user to enter prize and a list of elements on one page and then save the prize and associated elements? JB  
2 answers

You could build an overview with an datagrid object and then use the listen to widget method to display the details of your selected object in the data grid.

If you are new to Mendix and you wants to dive in the plattform, I would suggest to have a look in the Academy section of the page. There are some very helpflull tutorials how to use Mendix.


That is definitely possible.

On creation of the Prize object you can also create any associated object. Then display these on the page for the user to fill in. On the save button of the page you can save the prize object itself and the associated objects.
