Edit log message after commit

Is it, afterwards, possible to edit the log message entered in a commit action? I would like to correct some information in this message.   Tried the “Edit log message” functionality from Tortoise SVN, but after pressing the [Ok] button I get an error:   [Window Title] TortoiseSVN [Main Instruction] Subversion reported an error: [Content] DAV request failed; it's possible that the repository's pre-revprop-change hook  either failed or is non-existent At least one property change failed; repository is unchanged Error setting property 'svn:log':  Repository has not been enabled to accept revision propchanges; ask the administrator to create a pre-revprop-change hook [Close]   Is there a way to change the log message in another way? Or is it possible to add a “pre-revprop-change hook” somewhere??
1 answers

Hello Edwin,

The API Mendix exposes does not offer that, nor is there any function to edit commit messages in the Modeler itself.

Tortoise can allow it but only if the repository is set to allow message edits (As you’ve said), you can read a bit into some solutions here, perhaps the technical contact user will be able to retroactively change the log settings

Obviously the repository is created by Mendix so any question on the configuration would have to be addressed to them in a ticket.

Hope this helps
