Custom Log in Button

Hello Team, Could you please advise me how to implement the custom log in logic to the Login button? The idea is to Log in User, using user credentinals and in the same time trigger a microflow that changes an object in case of Users is successfully logged in. Thank you, Vsevolod
2 answers

Hello Vsevolod,

I'm not sure you'll be able to easily do it within microflows, you can do it in Java but most of the examples I've seen set up a handler so the java function gets a request and response which it can then use to redirect back to the index page. 

Personally I'd suggest following conventions set by the Mendix app store modules. You can verify a user's password easy enough using the VerifyPassword java action in System, and if you use the AppCloudServices module as an example for your login java, you'll be able to find a SessionInitializer class within the appcouldservices java package which you can reuse or replicate. 

Hope this helps


Have a look at the implementation of the Login Form Widget .

Customize it by passing another microflow input which is called when the login button is triggered (the function _loginUser ,  check how the action for _forgotPassword microflow is handled).

If you want to dig even deeper, check the deployment folder deployment/web/js.  Changing the file here does not do anything, because it will be overwritten when deploying it.

