Cannot edit associated entities

Hi,   I want anonymous users to be able to register using the multi tenant administration module, but with a custom registration page I created as shown below. The problem is that I can't enter anything but the New password and confirm password: Now if I add for example the email from the user tenant to the AccountPasswordData dataview like this: 'Widget must be read-only because it is connected to an associated attribute.'   At first I thought it would be a security issue, but it seems inputs must be read-only while being an associated attribute. Is there a solution for this?   Thanks in advance,   Jurian
3 answers

That's right, input fields need to be read-only when using associations here. Maybe you could use a custom select page and associate the selection from there?


If your input field is pointing to an associated attribute, the input field is always a reference selector that is only used to change the association. If you want to edit attributes of an associated object, you need a dataview showing the input field without the association.



can you give some hints how to create this custom select page? What objects are necessary (data view with which connector etc.?

