Force mobile browser to use Mobile Browser navigation even after Request Desktop Site

Hi all, I have developed an application for my client which uses the hybrid mobile app for their business. Due to the technical requirements required (SDKs etc.), I always force the user to download the mobile app to use the Mendix app on their mobile phones. So on mobile browser navigation, I simply show them a page which shows the users a link to download the app on Play Store and App Store. Sounds straightforward, but some "curious" users always seem to use the "Request Desktop Site" feature on several mobile browsers such as Chrome, which then the Responsive navigation is used. Is there any way that I can totally prevent this situation from happening again?
1 answers

Hi Rionald,

I believe this is not possible. You're not the only one that has asked this question.

More information about how it works can be found in following StackOverflow:


