Retrieve object list using one-to-many association in Java

In Mendix there is a way to retrieve an associated object list, starting with the parent entity and using an association. For example, given the domain model below, I can retrieve the appropriate Mentor object and pass this object to a database retrieval with an xpath query of "//ModuleName.Manager[ModuleName.Manager_Mentor = $Mentor]". I'm looking for a way to do this in Java.In Java, I've found that the retrieveByPath method will only work I am starting retrieval from the child entity. E.G. retrieveByPath(context, Manager.getMendixObject(), Manager.MemberNames.Manager_Mentor). But I need to start from the  parent, Mentor entity and retrieve the child, Manager entity. So I would like to do something like retrieveByPath(context, Mentor.getMendixObject(), Mentor.MemberNames.Manager_Mentor). However, there is no Manager_Mentor value stored in the MemberNames enumeration on the parent entity. Even when I pass the association name directly as a string (E.G. retrieveByPath(context, Mentor.getMendixObject(), "Module.Manager_Mentor") the call does not retrieve any objects, just an empty list. I haven't listed my use case because it's out of scope and I'm not really looking for a workaround. I figure there must be some easy, exposed way to do this that I'm just overlooking in the API docs.  
1 answers


You can use the same method in java, retrieving the data via xpath.

See this method in th Core class:

public static java.util.List<IMendixObject> retrieveXPathQuery(IContext context,
                                                               java.lang.String xpathQuery)
                                                        throws CoreException

With the community commons module writing the xpath is even more simple and this makes use of the above mentioned method.
