OnChange of Input updates object, instead of during OnSave

I've got an object, and it might be related to being a non-persistent one, that is shown on a simple 'detail' page. There is an edit button which opens the object in an Edit Page with editable fields. When a field is changed, without pressing save or whatever, the main page, with the same object, is automatically updated. Back in 7.13, there was a bug that did not automatically create a 'clone' that would refresh/update the main object, unless it was actually saved. That would've been fixed in 7.16/7.17.  Now the application is updated to 7.18.1 and this problem still exists. Like I said, it might be related to being a non-persistent object, but then again.. Aren't persistent objects also stored in the client's memory and thus from client-side perspective treated the same way as non-persistent objects? (i.e. when edited, they are edited in memory, until being committed (only available to persistent)) Thanks
2 answers

I don't fully understand 

  • what did you do to make it work before? Or hasnt it been working OK before?
  • how can an item on another page be refreshed if it isn't triggered to do so?  either by reloading or an on-change microflow with the change-object action with refresh in client checked?

Are you using a nanoflow or a microflow?
In a nanoflow it is always doing a refresh but in a microflow you need to refresh the object manually (a change object action with refresh selected)
