oauth2.0: issues while using mendix users objects / new user objects while displaying the logged in user data which has been authorized/ authenticated by proprietary IDP provider

we are trying to work on a POC wherein we are connecting to a proprietary opened connect provider and trying to authenticate / authorize users. Now, i have reached a stage where i have been able to authenticate/authorize the users from our proprietary IDP provider and have added the user into mendix user object and commited it via core.commit() and initialize the session with this user (this is done via java code). Now, when i am trying to display the logged in user (via $currentUser / $currentSession ) on the mendix page via one of the pages...i get and error saying that 'cannot access administrator.account. check security'. Also, if i create an independant entity called LoggedInUser on mendix and try populating via java backend. If I am trying to use this to display data on the mendix page, its giving wierd errors like 'parameters of the selected microflow do not match available arguments. No arguments are available, while the microflow has parameter of type Myfirstmodule.loggedinuser'
2 answers


When you get the error cannot access administrator.account. check security it means that the current user is not allowed to read the LoggedInUser object. Double check if you gave the logged in user access to this object.



