Retrieve module, entity and attribute metadata

Hi, I'd like to be able to retrieve the module names, entity names, attribute names and attribute data types for an application. Is there any way to retrieve this metadata from the API or from within the modeler? Edit: The metadata needs to be available on start of the application. My use case is a little complicated, which is why I didn't mention it. I need to be able to create a java action that fires on start of the application. The java action takes a Module, Entity, and Attribute entity and searches the application for the corresponding resource by name. If the resource is not present in the application then the action should delete the respective Module, Entity and Attribute object.
3 answers

Hi Steven,

The model reflection module stores all of the above. Could you use that? if not, whats your use case?



I agree, MxModel reflection should contain the information you need. It should already be in your project. If you want to know more, let me know.


I should be able to use the Core.getMetaObjects() method to get the application metadata.
