Retrieving a file from ftp server

I am working on a new feature where I have to retrieve a file from an ftp server and import it into our Mendix application, I wanted to ask what is the best way to go about building this?  We are currently using modeler version 6.10.12 and I saw an SFTP module by Capgemini and am wondering if this would be a good module to use for this feature.  There are some other FTP modules available in the App store, but they require Mendix version 7 and we are still using version 6.10.12.  Is there another way that we can retrieve a file from an ftp server without using one of the ftp modules in the App store?  We are planning on using SFTP, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you. 
2 answers


Have a look under the tab all versions of the module by capgemini, there you'll find versions that are compatible with your mendix version.


The Capgemini module only works for SFTP. If you require FTP or FTPS access, you should use another module (you could use the TimeSeries one for that, it's called sFTPs).
