Displaying the toggle menu button for sidebar?

Hi Everyone!  I wanted to change the default theme so it has a hidden menu bar that can be toggled with a menu button. I can't seem to figure out how to show the blue menu link. When I check the code with CSS it seems this class:  .layout-atlas-responsive-default .region-topbar .toggle-btn, .layout-atlas-responsive-topbar .region-topbar .toggle-btn  Has display: none on it.  So ofcourse I can fix that by adding in custom CSS. But I think there's a mendix option that I'm missing? 
2 answers

Hello Jan, 

Those classes might already have media queries on them, I suggest you test it on mobiles/browser with mobile view. 

I'm not that familiar with Atlas UI, but in older Mx versions we use a .visible-xs class which is tied in with bootstrap and has media queries so it will make it visible only on mobile sized screens/browsers.

Hope this helps.


Oh wauw you're right! It's right there on mobile haha! 

Then I need to figure out how to let it appear on desktop as well! 
