Feedback by Mendix on the ideas forum.

Hi all, do you also think that the idea forum does - again - not get that much attention by Mendix? At the beginning of this year we got this statement And indeed the feedback on ideas had improved quite much. But when I look at the idea forum now there are so many ideas with no feedback at all and even less by Mendix. what do you think? regards, Fabian
5 answers

Dear Fabian,

We try to put improvements based on ideas of the idea forum in every release we do. Mendix 7.19 contains four of them. We may not add comments that much but we do look at the activity and votes. Once an idea is planned or implemented we change its status. I think just changing the status does not count as activity because I don't see all four ideas of 7.19 in "Last Updated".

Self-referencing association visualizationPersonally, I'm hesitant to post comments on ideas that I've worked on because it is uncertain what version something will show up in (if any). For example, last week I worked on making Andreas' dreams come true. See image on the right. I think this has a good chance of showing up in a release soon. 

Hope this helps,



Let's have a look at the release notes

7.19 : 4 ideas are implemented
7.18 : 4 ideas are implemented
7.17 : 3 ideas are implemented
7.16 : 2 ideas are implemented

Besides that, a lot of suggestions are taking into consideration but take time to implement. Also, not all suggestions are reported on being implemented right away.

So my take on this, albeit a bit biased, is that the suggestion that Mendix doesn't look at the ideas that are on the forum, is baseless.


If you sort the Idea forum by date created, you can see that the last Idea with Mendix feedback has been created more than a month ago.
Yes, I also have the feeling that they don't pay enough attention.


It would be great to get some feedback about ideas to get an information, that the Mendix really take care for ideas of their users  and to get a feedback about being part of the developing process of Mendix.


If anybody is interested in the idea about having an additional idea status, it's here:
