Published Rest with Reference Set problem

A published rest service has a list of accounts as parameter. Because of the list, the import mapping does not contain a parameter. The import mapping has the Account and the UserRole (*....*) as mapping-entities.   When I change the UserRole of an existing Account by calling the published rest service, the new UserRole is ADDED to the reference set. This is wrong because the UserRole should be SET on the reference set. Calling a microflow when mapping the UserRole entitie does not work because there is no input parameter. I cannot find anything on this in release notes of higher (7.16) Mx Versions.  Is there a solution for this? Update 1:  Solved this with the call a microflow option when the Account entitiy is getting mapped. In the microflow I try to retrieve the account. When found the reference set to UserRole is set to empty. Now when the UserRole entity is getting mapped I am sure the SET option on the reference set is used instead of the ADD.          
2 answers

Not sure if understand your question correct, but it is not possible for you to map the account and userrole into non-persistant entities instead of the entity directly.

That way, you can process the non-persistant entities anyway you like and there for set the reference set instead of adding.


Inside of the import mapping, instead of doing 'find by key' or 'create', you can do 'retrieve by microflow'.

In that microflow, you can clear the reference set.
