adding to System.User entity

As part of building a multi-tenant app, I need to associate System.User with "Org" and then use that association to scope the user's access to records belonging to that organization.   I don't see an obvious way to edit/add to System.User in the modeler, any guidance appreciated.   GK  
5 answers

The sytem.user entity is a default mendix entity which you cannot edit.

In your case it might be a good idea to create an 'account' entity which is an generalization from system.user. You can alter the account entity in every way that you like and link it to the organization. The default Mendix 'Administration' module has such an entity.

See this documentation on multi-tenancy:


Hi GK,

Adding/altering the System.User entity is not possible: setting user (entity) access can be done using the Account entity, which inherits from System.User

You can check the reference guide for more info on this subject ( or check the learning modules, of which many touch on this subject


I've downloaded the multi-tenant administration module ( and will explore this...

Are there no sample multi-tenant apps one can learn from?

The documentation ( is a list of piece/parts to consider rather than a step-by-step guide.

Any help appreciated, this is a canonical use-case that should be well illustrated/documented.




You can set your after start up microflow from the Project > Settings. See:


unfortunately, once I set the startup microflow, there are many errors showing up indicating that components involved no longer exist. This is surprising given this module is from August 2017.

