Issue in cloud app (where the local app works fine)

Hi! I have an issue in an app when I publish it in the cloud. A microflow returns a 'contact system admin'-message in the cloud deployed app, where it doesn't return this message in the local app. I want to find out what is wrong in the cloud app through a stack trace in the console. My question here is: How can I see the error stack trace of a cloud app, the same way I can see it in the Mendix modeler in a local app.   Kind regards,   Steve Jonk
1 answers

You could try to debug on the cloud. Goto your app then to environment and choose the environment you want to debug. Select Details and the Enable debugging.

You then get a token that you need to enter in your modeler (Run / Debug / Connect Debugger.

And the logs can also be retrieved in Sprintr (Apps / Logs)




