text field or file upload between two radio button

Need to display text field or file upload between two radio button for data gird and Radio button is using attribute from entity in data view . How can I do it?    
2 answers

Hi Urmil,

  If you have your heart set on having the file upload widget beneath the import .xls file, the simplest thing to do is use a Boolean.  Create a variable '_importFileDisplay' and '_typeImputDisplay' and then have those Booleans on the page.  Have on-change events on both Booleans that set the other to false when one is clicked.  That way you can simulate a radio button.  You can use conditional visibility to show or hide the file document uploader widgets if you want, and when _importFileDisplay is set to true you can upload the file.  That will allow you to build what you want without extra css manipulation.


Hi Rob,

How can i pass object and other two variables into page?


Thanks Urmil
