REST services Mendix Application on On-premise

Hi Everyone,  I am using the Mendix Modular version 7.13.1 and created the Restful service in Mendix application.  The restful service is running fine on my local machine but when I deployed it on On-premise env,I am not able to access it. I am getting the server response saying "Not Found" message. Is this some configuration required in application or on-premise BOX. As anyone encounter this scenarios. Could you please guide me. Thanks in Advance. Cheers, Ravi
1 answers

Hi Ravi,

  There are several things that could be going on here.  The first one that comes to mind is that you have not exposed the necessary URLs in your application.  This link gives a configuration examples for adding request handlers for a Windows on-prem install.  There isn't a special setting in the Modeler to expose the Restful services.  The issue is likely environment related and you may need to do some work on your on-premise box.


