Creating a new table without duplicates out of a different table and displaying me that new table

Hi all,  I have the following data and microflow, see below. So what I'd like to do is deleting all the duplicated records, because some records have the same same MachineID and I'd like to get ride of those records. At the end I want to have a table with all records with unique MachineID's. After that it should show me that new table in maybe a new entity?? (Not sure about that, but I want to do further calculations with that table)
3 answers

Hi Jan,

This question has been asked on the forum before. Here are the answers that will be able to help you out:

I think you'll be able to figure out from those answers, but let me know if you get stuck.



hi Jan, 

what you could do is sort the list with the machine id  using find list operation find the next object with same machine id, and delete the first or the found object which ever is not required. by this you need not create a new table, your existing table will be modified. 


I tried to solve it with the links, they are related to my topic, but I'm stuck at the following point: 

- I have 2 entities (see picture below, I had one entity before, but split it into 2 now) and I want to get one table only with the records included with an unique MachineID and with a specific ProductType. The examples in the link have only one table and not trying to match 2 tables.

Thank you 

