How to read an uploaded file in Mendix?

Hi, I am new to Mendix.I need to read my uploaded file.I tried using microflow .I wrote a micrflow to reterive data from the entity to generate and download  the same document .But I can't retrieve that uploaded data in my document.How can I solve this issue?  
1 answers

1 - make a page with a data view and choose your file object as the data view object

2 - add a file manager; now you can upload a file

3 - add a save button; now you can save what you have uploaded

4 - download the file

5 - optionally you can also add a data grid to see a "table" of uploaded files which can be downloaded

6 - if you want to process a file you can add a button which triggers your custom mf from the data view/grid

7- if you want to publish your file to external apps you have to publish a rest service wherein you send your data binary/base64 back to the requester

8 - you can look the uploaded pdf's bij adding a button with a mf behind with a download file activity
