Button with Render Mode set to Link, turn off the underline decoration required

Hi guys, How do I create a button with a render mode set to Link, but without having the underline decoration whenever hovering over the button? I tried adding css style of text-decoration:none, but it is not working as it's applying it to the button and not the its caption... Please help! Kind regards, Razvan
1 answers

Hi Razvan,

You could create a custom class for it, for instance btn-nounderline which you place on the button.

in you scss file, add the following code:

.btn-nounderline {
  a:hover {
    text-decoration: none;


no sure how to add this using SASS?  Here is is quick how-to detailing how to add custom classes: https://www.mxblog.nl/2016/03/using-sass-with-mendix/

Its old(-ish) but still valid


Good luck!
