Login session timer

The goal: I am trying to show a login session timer that is actively counting down every second. Context: I am using the Mobile Quickstarter app as a basis for implementation.  Sessions are started and logged per user after logging in as a specific user. Using the start DateTime and default duration of a session, I want to store the end DateTime as well so that I have an easier time initialising a countdown timer widget that I plan to import.  Since I cannot modify the domain model of the System module, I have created a Session table in an administration module where I aim to keep track of current and past sessions per user. This is also where I plan to store the end DateTime of the session. The question: After realizing that the after startup microflow won't do since my user hasnt logged in yet and sessions are recorded per user, I have been looking for a trigger point after sign in. That's when I found the following information: Moving from Modeler Version 6 to 7 4.6 Sign-In Microflows Sign-in microflows are no longer supported, because they do not add any functionality. In a future version, the state will be automatically transferred from the anonymous user to the signed-in user by the client.   This has me wondering: Am I trying to trigger my microflow at the wrong time? I was going to use the sign in microflow widget, but the explanations above have made me doubt my approach to the problem.   p.s: If anyone knows of a simple pure text countdown timer that updates every second, I would be very happy to learn about it. The Countdown timer widget mentioned above is decent, but I would prefer a pure text implementation.
1 answers

It was just pointed out to me that the user role based homepages provide an option to execute microflows, not just pages. This sounds like a prime place for me to trigger specific microflows like recording user sessions etc.


This will for the most part solve my problem. Finding a decent counter widget or similar functionality still remains, although some javascript/css styling might go a long way.
