Anyone verified the autologin fix on mx 7.16

Hi, I created a ticket for support that the autologin feature does not work properly on iOS. The new mendix 7.16 release should supposed to fix this. The release notes shows that there were situations when users of online hybrid mobile applications were logged out if they had their app minimized for 15–20 minutes. When I try to open the app, then I get the following errors in the console. This happens when the app is minimized, and the timeout for session has been expired.  Jul 16 11:18:19.786 - ERROR - Connector: (1/2) com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: Attempt to illegally change a value for object with id '123' (Module.Entity)! Jul 16 11:18:19.786 - ERROR - Connector: (2/2) #011at com.mendix.webui.requesthandling.HashUtil$.verifyHash(HashUtil.scala:71) What are your experiences with autologin?
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