Increase app background runtime

After the user go out from the mobile app without closing it he still can open it and continue work without showing starting app, but after sometime of keeping the app running in the background and try opening it, it shows starting app which takes time so thI question is is there a possibility to increase the time of the app running in the background which let the user open the app at any time without showing starting app loading message ?
2 answers

In case that you are using a free app, the app will shutdown after some time and then it needs to be restarted. You cannot prevent this in a free app.


As far as I know, this is handled by the mobile OS itself. Recent versions of Android have become very aggressive in closing background apps, in order to save battery. I am not sure of the specifics on iOS, but there is a setting in newer versions of Android, that allows you to specify apps which should not be optimized for battery life, which lets them stay open longer in the background.  You can find it under Settings -> Battery -> Battery optimization -> (select your app) -> Don't optimize
