Timeout mobile hybrid app defaults to 5000 ms.

Hi, we're moving our project from 6 to 7. Not sure if this issue is related to the upgrade, but then just for context. When trying to execute a microflow the following error message is shown: A connection error occurred, please try again later. Then when checking the console it says: Error: Request POST https://jadajada.mendixcloud.com/xas/(executeaction) timed out after 5000 ms. This issue only applies to the mobile hybrid app, because when you call the same microflow using a desktop browser, then it works as expected. When checking the phonegap package, I assume the timeout is specified by the server timeout setting in the dojo config section. Why is there an extra timeout for mobile defined in the phonegap package, and should we change this, or go for workaround i.e. change microflow call type to asynchronous? Edit: You need to edit the entry.js in the src\www\scripts folder MxApp.onConfigReady(function(config) { // Perform any custom operations on the dojoConfig object here window.dojoConfig.server.timeout = 15000; });  
3 answers

Changing the timeout will only solve your problem if the desktop version usually takes longer than 5000 ms to complete. Does it?



Hi Wilfried,

Did you manage to solve this issue? I've run in to the same issue, but editing the dojoConfig servertimeout setting in my index file doesn't seem to change a thing. 


//edit: The old way of PhoneGap building only has a bundle.js, however, searching for onConfigReady gives a line of code where you can add


window.dojoConfig.server.timeout = xxxxx;



Please help, I don't know how to upload the phonegap.zip file after updating entery.js file, it keeps on saying the file is bigger than 50 MB.
