Drop Down Search Field Bug

I have a datagrid with about 50k objects of "Order". Each order has multiple order items, and each order item can have multiple payment details. I want to filter Orders by "Order_OrderItem/OrderItem/OrderItem_PaymentDetails/PaymentDetails/PaymentType" to receive a list of orders that contain a specific payment type, but the options in the search drop down are limited to 2 of the 6 enumerations. The two given are by far the most prevalent, however, I still need to filter by all of the other options. I know Mendix will try to exclude enumerations from search drop downs that are not utilized, but I know for a fact that every enumeration is utilized at least once and correctly associated. If I put the same exact query as an xpath and include one of the "not-included enumerations" from the search grid, I get the desired results.  My question is this: is there some limit by volume or percentage of utilization that must exist to have the right search options appear in larger tables? 
2 answers

Hi Jordan - try upgrading to 7.11 or later.  I filed a ticket for this issue that was resolved with that release. 


Thank you Adam. 
