call nanoflow widget

Hi, I am using a custom widget and I am trying to implement it so it would work in a nanoflow. The widget itself works perfectly and does what I expect only when I try to automatically let it call a nanolflow it gives an error. Error while executing nanoflow [object  Object]: Not implemented yet . The widget is put in a data view that get its data from another nanoflow. In the nanoflow I make an empty object and the widget fills the object with data. After the widget did this it calls a nanoflow but I get an error. The widget itself works fine because it works in an online app with microflows. So how can I fix this problem do I do something wrong in Mendix or is there something I need to do in my custom widget? Leander
2 answers

Hi Leander,

I think it's exactly as the error says: It's not implemented yet. We'll probably just have to wait a few versions before we can rock nanoflow buttons in datagrids.



Hi Leander,

I dont fully understand the situation, so a couple of questions:

"The widget is put in a data view that get its data from another nanoflow"

Can you elaborate on this, because a data view cannot have a nanoflow as source (yet)

"In the nanoflow I make an empty object and the widget fills the object with data."

Can you explain how this works?

Can you show the relevant code that calls the nanoflow?
