How to change the information message when using the default edit button?

Hi, When using the Edit Button on one of my pages and I try it out in my app, I need to select the data rows i want to change. If nothing is selected, a default information message is shown: "No selection available." How can I change it, e.g. to "Please select one of the rows to edit it", so it is more clear what the user needs to do first before editing it?Thank you!
2 answers

This is part of the 'System texts'. You can use "Tools"/"Languages" -> "Batch Replace..." to find and replace that text.

You can also find all 'System texts' here (as noted by Abhishek)

Note that this will changed the text for ALL grids.


Thanks, that helped me alot! I found it under "Languages -> Batch Replace...", though.
