How to use two built-in database viewers simultaneously on local system?

I am working on two apps which I have running on my local system. One at port 8080 and the other on port 8081. If both apps are running, whichever modeler I use first to start the built-in database viewer, if I start the built-in database viewer from the second modeler, I still get a view of the first database.  Renaming the databases from "default" to something different doesn't do the trick. It looks like there is only one port opened for a built-in database server (which in my case is 9001) This error can be easy replicated by creating to default apps and make sure the domain model just contains one entity which is different in the other domain model. (So you can see the difference). What settings can I use/put where to make this work? (For example: is it possible to add a port in the JVM parameters to have a different built-in database server port for every instance? Perhaps other settings?) Thanks in advance, Sander
1 answers

I would suggest using Postgres DB on your local system instead of the built in DB.

Besides a more complete tool to query and inspect your DB, it also mimics a more production like scenario.
