Hybrid Offline profiles - Mendix 6.10.12

Hello, I am interested in offline functionality within Mendix 6.10.12. Today, I tested offline functionality, however I could not include offline functionality for both Hybrid profiles.  There are two hybrid profiles and if I enable offline functionality for Phone, then when I run app via Phone (Hybrid app), I always see offline page (I have different page for online and offline). I want to open another page for the same profile where there is no internet connection. This is possible within Mendix 6.10.3.  There is an offline profile for both Phone and Tablet. I have one more application for offline which I use when there is no internet connection.  Is there possibility to implement online and offline profiles for the Phone and Tablet within Mendix 6.10.12?   Thank you in advance.  Regards, David
1 answers

Hi David, offline profiles have been replaced with hybrid profiles from mx 6.4 and later, see https://docs.mendix.com/refguide6/offline 

In addition you can try to add the mobile features widget to your app, and make use of configurable classes when your app goes online/offline. Hope this helps.
