How to trigger native html tag mailto from a static image (as a button) in a Mx app?

Hi guys,   I have Mendix mobile app where an static image (custom image uploaded via modeler) works as a link. Now I just simply want to trigger the native mobile email client by pressing on that image. Normally this is html technical valid: <a href="">E-mail</a><br /> Now I am wondering how I can do this within Mendix. I had now "show page" behind the static image, but this won't work seen I have to trigger the mobile mail client with a html code... So how can I do this, a javascript trick or so anyone? (i know that uploading an image to another external server and adding the image with that url into html snippet would also work, but i prefer to solve it with the asset within mendix)
3 answers

Another way you could do it:

use the 'Link button' widget, which is part of the core  Mendix widget set.

  • This button can have an image included.
  • And can be configured with a e-mail / web / call /... onClick setting

Nice thing about this widget is that you can use a static link but also a dynamic link based on an attribute of an Entity


Hi Enzo, you might try my DivButtonHelper widget, which makes any Mendix container clickable. I just tested it, and it works well for mailto URLs as well.


Direct download: here

Repository: here

I've seen a lot of use cases recently for this widget, so I've just submitted this to the app store for approval.


Hi Enzo,

As an alternative to Eric's answer, you can base64 encode your image and use that value in the html snippet. Instead of uploading your image to an external server.
