Pass List elements with button, other than in control bar

Hi there, I have a list of elements and in order to maintain the consistency among all the applications, I need to place a continue button at the bottom of the page. Now, the issue is I can not place the button at the bottom, if I'm using a data grid. Secondly, is there a way I can select elements from a list view and pass it through the button? The List I'm trying to pass is non persistable and there is no way I can retrieve it from the database. I need to pass the selected elements for the session only. My problem is very similar to this question, but again I can't use data grid, control bar button. Thanks, Vertika
2 answers

You should add the following in the custom.scss file and compile using a SASS compiler such as koala. For more info you can check the link provided by Wieke Bouten.

.mx-grid.<your-custom-css-class> {
  position: relative;
  padding-bottom: 60px;

  .mx-grid-controlbar {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0px;
    width: 100%;

    .mx-grid-pagingbar {
      float: left;

    .mx-grid-toolbar {
      float: right;

Set the custom css class to the datagrid where you want to have the button at the bottom:

After compiling you will then get the following result:


Hi Vertika, 

Have you tried using CSS to place the button at the bottom? You should be able to do that using the position attribute. 

When you then set the data grid to multiple select, you will get a list in the microflow that is behind the continue button.

Hope that helps.
