exceeds the threshold of 100 objects. Request details: type RequestHandlingUtil$

I am new to Mendix development.  How to increase this threshold of 100 objects? This is the exact warning: Request state size of 4030 objects exceeds the threshold of 100 objects. Request details: type 'RequestHandlingUtil$' in session '72d15261-6323-4790-ab3d-5127c22baf61'. State consists of:  * MyFirstModule.JsonObject_2 (NPE): 1967 objects … …    
1 answers

As stated here (https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/transient-objects-garbage-collecting#4-2-detecting-requests-with-large-state), you can change the threshold with this custom setting: com.mendix.webui.StateSizeWarningThreshold. How to apply a custom setting is described here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/custom-settings.

However, I suggest you read carefully about large request states as you seem to have several thousand objects in your request state to avoid running into performance issues by sending back and forth huge amounts of data, or even have an undetected memory leak. The threshold is meant as a warning, it will not limit the amount of objects in your request state.


