Clickable text in Enumeration

Hi,   For our project we need to have clickable text in the answers for a question, using radio buttons. The answers are Enumerations, which by default do not have the option to make text clickable.    We thought about creating a different boolean attribute for each answer-possibility and style the checkbox as a radio button, and create custom logic that only one answer can be checked. Is there an easier way to achieve our goal?
2 answers

Hi Yordee,

Instead of using text you can use a button that is rendered as text. In this button you can put the value of the enum (as caption in the button) and when you click on it, it will trigger an action. 


Hi Yordee,


Not sure if I understand it correctly so let me first try to summarize: you want radio buttons that display your enumeration’s options. Another assumption following this is that you are building a native app since the hybrid one has already radio buttons widget directly in studio.

If my assumptions are correct, you can checkout Radio Button Native widget in App Center – handles booleans and enumerations. If you need extra styling, you can also checkout the code from Github and modify it as you like.


Best regards,

