How to use REST import mapping

Hi,   Me and my colleagues are trying to export data from one app to the other using REST. We’ve been able to expose the data so it shows in the app however we cannot figure out how to make the app take the data and then create a new object with it, we understand that it might have something to do with using import mapping but we can’t seem to get this working. Any help on breaking down how to import data using REST would be very helpful thank you.
2 answers

Hi, you can find info about mapping in this section: 

before mapping you can create a mapping document and add an example of your file into it so it generates the mapping automaticaly for you. After this you can generate the mapping itself using this mapping document. 


Make Mendix help you:

  • Create an entity for the object you want to import, you will need it anyway
  • Create a Message definition (right click in Project Explorer → Other → Message definition)
  • Open the Message definition and add your new entity
  • Click Generate Mappings and check radiobutton Import mapping

There you go. If your created the new entity correctly, you now have a correct import mapping.
