Running two separate localhost Mendix applications causes swapping logouts

I am busy upgrading an application and I am comparing the styling between the Mendix 7 version of the app with the Mendix 8 version side by side.  When running these two separate applications on different ports (localhost:8080 and localhost:8081) at the same time locally causes automatic logouts.  When I log in to one application and perform an action, it kicks me out of the other one.  This frustrates progress when doing SASS styling comparisons between an old version of an app and a new one when you constantly have to log into the one and then again the other one.  I have seen this happening across multiple versions of the Modeller/Mendix Studio Pro. Am I missing a simple setting somewhere to prevent this?
3 answers

When running multiple Mendix apps locally I usually do the following per project:

- In Project > Settings > Configuration > Server > Root URL: http://{appname}:{portnumber}  (make up different appname and port number per project)

- In your hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc add the different appnames with local ip address like so:   appname_1   appname_2   appname_3

Now you can run all the different apps and view them within the same brower (in tabs) without having issues with the sessions.


Try Project > Settings > tab Runtime > setting “Multiple sessions per user”. Default value is yes, so maybe you still need something else.


I use Firefox multi account containers to handle different sessions.

I am not sure that it will solve it when running 2 mendix applications though.
