Create Family and Family Members at one go in one page.

Hi,  Two entities are in the DM, namely “Family” and “FamilyMember”. One to many association between a Family object and FamilyMember objects. At the moment, you can create Family objects in Overview and Detail (NewEdit) pages. Also, you can crreate one family member at a time in another page called FamilyMember_NewEdit. You can view all members of one family in FamilyOverview. How do you create, in one page, a New Family object and various members associated with the Family object? How to do it simultaneously in one go in one page? Thanks.
2 answers

Start the page with a datagrid or listview where you show the list of families. This will also contain a New button, triggering the Family_NewEdit popup-page.

Place a listening datagrid somewhere else on the page that listens to the selected family. In that dataview add a datagrid or listview showing all family members over association to the dataview’s Family. Make the New and Edit-buttons for family members show a popup page. On Save you will be back on your original page.


Hi Mouin Mcharrafieh

You have use Datagrid on the specific page and create button like

  1. Family_NewEdit  which is used to create New family member.
  2. Edit Button which is used to edit the family member detaills


Give the specific association to the Datagrid  which is showing all family members associated with the Family.
