[%CurrentDateTime%] not working in expression of microflow decision element

Hi folks, I am trying to compare an invoice date (attribute of my entity) with the current date in order to check wether it was payed in time the invoice is due. Trying to create a microflow for it but actually the variable is not accepted (see screenshot below). I am using Mendix Studio Version 2.0.847   Thanks for your help in advance  
2 answers

Set Zahlungsziel_mit_Skonto type as Dateand Time and check or you can convert  [%CurrentDateTime%] into String


Well, I have had a look in Studio. It has been a while since I have been here, but not a lot has changed in a year or so. The [%CurrentDateTime%] is not yet available in a Decision in Mendix Studio. All the DateTime tokens are not yet implemented here. Studio has only limited functionality at this time and is only useful for minor tinkering. You best switch to using Desktop version, Studio Pro, which has far more possibiilities
